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vi /etc/ansible/hosts
ansible -m ping all ansible all -m raw -b --become-method=su --ask-become-pass -a "apk add python sudo shadow sed gawk findutils bind-tools" ansible-playbook -b --become-method=su --ask-become-pass authorized_key.yml
ansible ubuntu -m raw -b -u jan --ask-pass --become-method=sudo --ask-become-pass -a "apt update" ansible alpine -m raw -b -u jan --ask-pass --become-method=sudo --ask-become-pass -a "apk update"
ssh-keygen -t ed25519 /home/jan/.ssh/ apk add shadow addgroup admin usermod -a -G admin jan
%admin ALL=(ALL) ALL
ansible-playbook -i hosts playbook/authorized_key -l ubuntu -b -u jan --ask-pass --become-method=sudo --ask-become-pass
- hosts: all tasks: - name: make directory file: path: "/home/jan/.ssh" state: directory - name: create empty file file: path: "/home/jan/.ssh/authorized_keys" state: touch - name: put pubkey lineinfile: path: "/home/jan/.ssh/authorized_keys" line: "{ { lookup('file', '/home/jan/.ssh/') } }"
ansible-playbook -i hosts playbook/ubuntu-upgrade -b -u jan --become-method=sudo --ask-become-pass
- hosts: ubuntu tasks: - name: Update apt repo and cache on all Debian/Ubuntu boxes apt: update_cache=yes force_apt_get=yes cache_valid_time=3600 - name: Upgrade all packages on servers apt: upgrade=dist force_apt_get=yes - name: Check if a reboot is needed on all servers register: reboot_required_file stat: path=/var/run/reboot-required get_md5=no - name: Reboot the box if kernel updated reboot: msg: "Reboot initiated by Ansible for kernel updates" connect_timeout: 5 reboot_timeout: 300 pre_reboot_delay: 0 post_reboot_delay: 30 test_command: uptime when: reboot_required_file.stat.exists
ansible-playbook -b --become-method=sudo --ask-become-pass motd.yaml ansible dev -m raw -b --ask-become-pass -a "apk add python py-simplejson"
ansible all -b --ask-become-pass -m command -a 'mv /etc/profile.d/color_prompt /etc/profile.d/' ansible all -b --ask-become-pass -m command -a 'cat /etc/motd'
ansible -m raw -b --ask-become-pass -a "apk add python"